Respect for Human Rights
ARE Holdings Group has been committed to legal compliance and respect for human rights in all aspects of our corporate activities. As awareness of human rights increases worldwide, we will further strengthen our efforts to respect human rights in accordance with international human rights initiatives.
- Human Rights Policy
- ARE Holdings Group Human Rights Policy
In accordance with the Asahi Way, the ARE Holdings Group (hereinafter "the Group") is committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and respect for human rights in all aspects of its corporate activities as a company of good people with high ethical standards and social conscience, thereby contributing to the development of a sustainable society.
This ARE Holdings Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter "the Policy"), which clearly defines the Group's views on human rights, applies to all employees of the Group including directors and executives. We pledge to comply with the Policy in all of our corporate activities.
We also support and respect international norms on human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Furthermore, we expect all the stakeholders involved in our business activities to work together to promote respect for human rights, by understanding and practicing respect for human rights in accordance with the Policy.
1.Prohibition of discrimination
In accordance with the basic principle that all people are entitled to respect for their individuality and human rights, to fair treatment, and to equal opportunity, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination or disadvantageous treatment based on age, gender, nationality, race, religion, ideological beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. We promote a workplace environment in which diverse human resources are empowered to participate energetically, with equal opportunity in terms of recruitment, assessment, training, assignments and postings, and pay rises and job promotions.
2.Prohibition of harassment
We do not tolerate any form of behavior such as sexual harassment and abuse of authority that offends the dignity of an individual or causes him/her discomfort. At the same time, we strive continually to prevent such harassment through employee education and other means.
3.Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
As part of our effort to defend fundamental human rights, we prohibit any form of forced labor, child labor, or hazardous work for children under 18 years of age in any place that we do business, making sure to always conduct our business activities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
4.Management of working hours and pay
In accordance with the Labor Standards Act, labor-management agreements, and all applicable laws and regulations, we endeavor to prevent overwork and limit overtime work by carefully considering appropriate working hours and rest periods, appropriate overtime work, work-life balance, and the maintenance and promotion of employee health. In compliance with all legal requirements regarding minimum wages, statutory benefits and deductions, overtime work, etc., we establish salary regulations to ensure that we pay minimum wage or higher remuneration, taking into account the income necessary to ensure a stable livelihood. We also pay our employees directly.
5.Ensuring employee health and safety
In accordance with all applicable laws and regulations relating to work safety and health, we strive to ensure and maintain a healthy and safe work environment so that each and every employee enjoys the peace of mind to work energetically and fully demonstrate their abilities.
6.Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
In compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, we respect the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining of our employees.
The Policy was approved by the Board of Directors of ARE Holdings.
January 31,2024
Tomoya Higashiura
Representative Director,
ARE Holdings, Inc.
- Human Rights Due Diligence
- In order to promote initiatives based on the Human Rights Policy, ARE Holdings Group is working to identify human rights risks that may cause human rights violations resulting from its business activities. For example, we have established a "Responsible Precious Metals Management Policy" with the aim of avoiding human rights violations in conflict zones, money laundering, fraudulent transactions, and funds going to terrorists. To achieve this, we have set up a responsible precious metals management system that complies with LBMA, LPPM and RJC guidance. This system is also maintained and improved by obtaining certification from a relevant third-party organization and by undergoing regular independent audits. To respond to one of our priority SDG-related goals "supplying precious metals in ways that are friendly to people, society, and the environment" we are striving to build and maintain the "Asahi Brand," which can be trusted by customers around the world, allowing them to procure precious metal products that help protect human rights and the environment.
Responsible Precious Metals Management Policy
- Dialogue
- ARE Holdings Group will engage in dialogue and consultation with stakeholders who have actual or potential adverse effects on human rights resulting from our business activities.
- Correction and Remediation
- When it becomes clear that ARE Holdings Group has caused adverse effects on human rights through our business activities, we will work to remedy such impacts through appropriate procedures.
- Education and Awareness
- ARE Holdings Group posts human rights-related documents such as the Human Rights Policy, the Asahi Way, the Harassment Prohibition Policy, and the Asahi Hotline on the company intranet at all times for access and dissemination. In addition, to deepen understanding of the prohibition of discrimination and respect for human rights, we provide education and training on the prohibition of harassment and respect for diversity (e-learning/for all officers and employees).
- Information Disclosure
- ARE Holdings Group will disclose information on its efforts to respect human rights through its website and other means.
- Governance and Promotion Structure
- ARE Holdings Group will report to its Sustainability Committee and its Board of Directors regularly the status of compliance with the Human Rights Policy and our efforts to respect human rights.
- Consultation and Reporting Desk
- ARE Holdings Group has established the Asahi Hotline in accordance with the internal reporting system "whistle -blowing system" to directly receive reports from all employees in and outside of Japan regarding organizational or individual violations of laws and regulations, misconduct, and human rights violations, including harassment and to appropriately resolve such issues. The Asahi Hotline has internal and external contact points and the external contact point is an outside law firm to ensure independence and anonymous reporting is also accepted. The in-house consultation service is also readily available for the purpose of prevention. We will respond impartially to the reported case, conduct a prompt and appropriate investigation, and take appropriate corrective measures. No one will be disadvantaged as a result of reporting or consultation, and all information will be kept confidential. In addition, we have established a contact point on its website where internal and external stakeholders can anonymously report concerns or problems related to "Responsible Precious Metals Management.
Work-Life Balance and Diversity
While welcoming workplace diversity, the members of the ARE Holdings Group respect each other's individuality. We are engaged in various initiatives with the aim of creating inclusive workplaces where all employees can demonstrate their abilities.
- Three-day weekend model / designated 10-day annual leave model
- We introduced this program with the dual aim of maintaining and improving human productivity within our business activities and providing work styles that cater to the diverse lifestyles of our employees. This includes not only childbirth, childcare, school runs, nursing care, medical treatment, and clinic visits, but also actively encourages the effective use of newly created time for re-skilling--learning anew through personal development--as well as hobbies and leisure activities.
- Rest Intervals and No Late-Night Work
- To ensure the health of employees, we have introduced a work system that requires a rest interval of at least 11 hours before an employee can return to work the next day. The level of achievement is also checked using the system, and the goal is to reach 100% compliance. In addition, with the exception of shift workers, employees are prevented from working during the late night hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Women in the Workplace
- We aim to be a company where female employees can succeed in the workplace and demonstrate their full potential. Round-table discussions are held for female executives and employees. Through these discussions, we are working to raise awareness of career opportunities and to make workplaces more supportive for women.
- Employment of People with Disabilities
- We will strive to create rewarding work opportunities for people with disabilities that will allow them to utilize their abilities and experience to participate in the workforce.
- Work-Life Balance Support
- We are working to create a supportive environment for employees who need time off work for family reasons, such as those expecting a baby, raising young children, or caring for a family member.
Employees can receive shortened work hours after maternity leave and up until the child graduates from elementary school, which goes beyond legal requirements. Our system also makes it easy for employees to take other legally mandated leave and allows them to adjust their work to their personal situation. - Encouraging men to take paternity leave
- Promoting a diverse work culture that accommodates the varied working styles and contributions of all our employees cannot be achieved solely by targeting female employees. In addition to disseminating information about paternity leave for male employees, we are also promoting the creation of an environment where men can comfortably engage in childcare by, for example, implementing in-house training programs targeting all managers.
Health and Productivity Management
The ARE Holdings Group sets "Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources" as its core mission and is contributing to solving social issues through business growth in a spirit of "Innovation and Challenge." We position that the physical and mental health of all employees, which serve as the driving force of our business activities, is a key management foundation and we are working on management challenges, such as group's sustainable growth, vitalization of organization and improving productivity, through promoting health and productivity management.
ARE Holdings Health Declaration
The ARE Holdings Group recognizes that every employeeʼs mental and physical health are assets to the company and is working to enhance corporate value by building healthy, productive workplaces.
Representative Director, President & CEO: Tomoya Higashiura
Promotion System
The President and CEO of ARE Holdings is responsible for Employee Health Management and, as a promotion organization, Human Resources Department is performing initiatives to maintain and enhance employees' health in cooperation with each of the relevant departments, committees, occupational physicians and insurers (Japan Health Insurance Association).
Main measures
- ● Running a robust health exam program that exceeds legal requirements and practicing thorough mental and physical health management
- ● Encouraging employees to understand the importance of their own health, and supporting them to maintain and promote their own health
- ● Promoting work-style reforms with the aim of improving work-life balance
- Robust Health Exam Program that Exceeds Legal Requirements
Starting at age 35, a gastroscopic examination is recommended for employees, and advanced medical checkups including brain MRI / MRA exams as well as PET scans are provided periodically starting at age 40.
We have been recognized by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization. This recognition is given to corporations that are promoting employee health management from a strategic business perspective.
- Mental Health
- Since good mental health is essential for improving employee productivity and vitality, employees are given individual consultation and other services by industrial physicians specialized in mental health. In addition, stress checks are given to all employees at all sites including workplaces with fewer than 50 people.
After the checks are carried out, we analyze the results for each site and make workplace improvements to promote even more supportive working environments.
Creating Safe Workplaces
- Safety Management Using Vehicle Drive Recorders
- Company sales vehicles are equipped with drive recorders, which record video and display warnings when dangerous driving (sudden braking, acceleration, or steering action) is detected. The obtained data is also used for driving evaluations of sales employees. We are working to reduce car accidents by raising driving safety awareness among employees.
- Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) Initiatives
- In order to reduce occupational accidents, it is necessary to minimize countless potential risks in the workplace. By using an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) to perform risk management, we have established a series of safety management processes for ongoing health and safety management. The aim is to improve workplace health and safety levels. We will continue to focus on preventing serious accidents and disasters through accident prevention efforts and improved safety education, such as risk assessments and hazard prediction training.
Human Resource Development
With the aim of developing professional human resources who can operate at a global level, regardless of rank or occupation type, we have implemented our own qualification systems and internal education curriculums. In addition, we are striving to develop human resources who enjoy taking on challenges, using systems that fairly and impartially evaluate each employee's contribution to business performance.
- Talent Management System
- We have thoroughly implemented a system in which highly capable employees are given the opportunity to be promoted to higher positions regardless of their career at the company or their age. To efficiently and effectively conduct evaluations for this purpose, we launched a talent management system that makes it easy to visualize the qualifications and skills of each employee. Going forward, we will use this system to rotate and recruit personnel strategically in line with our business strategy, with a view toward our long-term vision.
- Overseas Trainee Program
- We have introduced this program to provide opportunities for understanding a diverse array of cultures through firsthand experiences and to cultivate a global perspective. This is part of our strategy to nurture future management talent who can perform on the global stage. We have resolved to send young engineers from our Technical Research Center to North America, with the goal of not only enhancing their technical skills, but also developing the ability to adapt to a global environment.
- Training for New Managers
- This training has been implemented to systematically instill knowledge essential for management and develop the behaviors, attitudes, and thought processes required for managerial roles. The initiative also aims to cultivate the heightened sense of responsibility and motivation befitting a manager.
- Mentorship System
- The system has been created to further ingrain The Asahi Way through on-the-job training that passes knowledge from senior to junior employees. This is part of our strategy to expedite individual employee growth, thus enhancing the company's overall human productivity. In this system, mentors lay the groundwork for subordinate development and managerial skills. Mentees, on the other hand, strive for early success through intensive skill development on the job. This will assist in fostering a culture where individuals both teach and learn.
- Domestic Business Schools
- This program allows employees to attend business school courses with students from other companies. The aim is to enable them to acquire practical management skills and expand their personal networks.
- Asahi e-Learning
- This is our own internal e-learning program, which is part of efforts to share in-house knowledge across the Group. By using teaching materials and content created by each department, the aim is for participants to deepen their knowledge of company rules and operations, while improving business skills.