Philosophy and Logo
ARE Group Way
We have established ARE Group Way as a set of corporate values and philosophy shared among our employees.
ARE Group Way was written in 2024, embodying its founding passion that had been passed down through generations.
ARE Group Way consists of three parts: Purpose and Goals, which represent what we aim to achieve as a group, and Values, which describe how each employee should guide their behavior and decisions.
Under ARE Group Way, our group will keep giving our utmost effort into both pursuing financial value and helping to resolve social issues such as circularity.
Group's logo
ARE Holdings group's logo
The A in "ARE" stands for "Asahi", the R for "Resources", and the "E" for "Environment".
By engraving the Purpose of being "Totally Committed to the Protecting the Natural Environment and the Preserving Resources" into ARE and using a circular motif for the "R" in the center of the logo, we put our thought to move straight toward the realization of the circular economy.
We promote the globalization of business to meet changing needs by developing high-quality products and services backed by outstanding precious metal recycling and refining technology, recycling technology for a wide variety of waste materials, and other industry-leading proprietary technology for Japan, the rest of Asia, North America, and other countries and regions around the world.
Responding to constantly changing global conditions and business needs, we are building an Asahi brand trusted for high quality backed by management and technological capabilities that pursue growth.
With a mindset of innovation and embracing challenges, we will achieve long-term growth for the company and the Group, while conserving limited natural resources and working to preserve the global environment.
Eight Factors Supporting Value Creation
Ability to Adapt to Change
By paying close attention to the business environment and lifecycle and practicing flexible thinking, decisive action, and quick decision-making, we have built original business models and quickly exited businesses in decline. With the ability to respond in this manner, we will continue to maintain growth.
Industry-Leading Unique Technologies
We are proud of the original technologies we have developed. These include the following technologies: recovering precious metals with high efficiency and advanced analytical capabilities, and product development based on accurately ascertaining customer needs. Through constant research and development, the Group continues to enhance its unique technologies in each of its business fields.
Highly Motivated Employees
The Group's growth has been driven by our employees, who share the groupwide values of ARE Group Way, deeply value trust and connections, and are motivated by a passion for innovation and embracing challenges. The Group proactively invests in human resources and continues to develop highly motivated employees.
Good Relationships with Stakeholders
We actively engage in dialogue with investors and listen to our customers and business partners to strengthen governance and develop our products and services. We value our mutual trust with our employees and the local community and work to increase our long-term corporate value.
Management Capabilities for Regeneration of Business
Over the past 20 years, we have brought more than 20 companies into the Group through mergers and acquisitions and we have improved corporate management. Thanks to our flexible management capabilities matched to specific business environments, nearly all of our companies perform better than they did prior to joining the Group. We will continue to improve performance.
Trusted Asahi Brand
The ARE Group's precious metal products are highly regarded throughout the world for their reliable quality. We are committed to building a trusted Asahi brand by continuing to provide high-quality products and services in all of our businesses.
Globally Expanding Network
Since establishing a local subsidiary in Malaysia in 1994, we have expanded into other Asian countries, including South Korea. In 2015, we acquired a refining business in North America through a merger and acquisition, expanding our target customer base to countries around the world.
Substantial Market Share
Our highest priority is to satisfy our customers and business partners, and we have worked hard to improve our products and services. Our sales and technical capabilities that meet a wide range of needs have earned us the trust of our customers and enabled us to acquire a strong market share.