performance data

Environmental contributions and impact of ARE Holdings business activities Figures below represent results for FY 2023.

Environmental performance data

INPUT(FY2023 Results)

Energy Sources

Electricity 35.24 million kWh / year
Heavy oil 223kL / year
Kerosene 351kL / year
Light oil 318kL / year
Gasoline 544kL / year
Urban gas 2.50million ㎥/year
LPG 50t / year
Water 96,747 ㎥/year
Chemicals 3,837t / year

OUTPUT(FY2023 Results)

Waste 10,127t / year
Effluent 35,985 ㎥/year
CO2 20,488t / year


Compared to FY2015


By FY2030, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions sources by 63% compared to FY 2015.


OUTCOME(FY2023 Results)

Amount of precious metals recycled

Amount of precious metals recycled in FY2023


231 tons / year

We will expand and promote precious metal recycling globally in order to make more effective use of limited global resources.

CO2 Emissions Reduction from Precious Metals Recycling

The CO2 emissions reduction benefit from precious metals recycling by the Group is calculated as the emissions from its precious metals recycling deducted from the emissions that would have been produced by refining the same amount of precious metals from mined raw material. By expanding our precious metals recycling, we will also be indirectly contributing to CO2 emissions reduction.
(The CO2 emissions reduction figure does not indicate the level of emissions directly reduced by the Group.)

CO2 Emissions Reduction from Precious Metals Recycling

Environmental benefit of precious metals recycling

When CO2 savings are expressed
as the amount of greenhouse gases absorbed by forests,

25,196 hectares of forest

(an area about one third the size of Lake Biwa)

Note: Calculation was based on the assumption that one cedar tree absorbs 14 kg of CO2 annually (Source: Forestry Agency of Japan), and 1,700 cedar trees are planted in an area of one ha.

Emissions reduction benefit
600,000 tons-CO2